Bye Bye Facebook.

This is a copy of my Goodbye message I posted internally at Facebook.

Monday, (Nov 16) is my last day at Facebook.I was looking at the goodbye posts former People of Facebook for inspiration for my post. But instead, I decided to generate a message from the awesome corpus there.

This computer generated artisanal message mostly captures what I want to say:

So i really want to take this opportunity to say, after 4+ years of wonderful journey, the coming monday (nov-16) will be my last day at facebook.

I’ve been a wonderful experience. Everyone i’ve worked with here truly cares about what is next in life. I have royally fucked up.

I feel sorry that I will never would have been able to doordash in. It is, of you all the facebook kool-aid. I’ll be strangers! the new friends around in the apartment. It’s user-base by mass and it won’t change how to stay cool. Wherever it is no immediate plans, i’m incredibly hard to analytics.

We all across the future where I decided to mobile-first. I absolutely fine without working on the company 4.5 years at facebook. Please don’t be a stranger.

I wouldn’t be who i am today if i hadn’t gone through the many refactors i did. There is so many good friends. Facebook is truly an incredible place to work.

I ’ll be moving up to san francisco.

Before i joined facebook, the goal was to get to this point. After about 6.5 years, it’s time for me to find some job in vietnam. I hope to take a part of sleep that no one of you will.

I am also incredibly smart and i’m really.

/end of generated message.

Here is my code

I wish people expressed their feelings in a standardized way using JSON or GraphQL.